Monday, June 27, 2005

One of those One's

Confused, a mess, all over the place... a few descriptions of my mind set over the past month. But would I change it? No way. Things are such a retardo cluster of confusion in my little mind and they probably will continue to be for quite a while. But that's awesome and I am so content with the swirling of "is it God or is it me" that's racking my brains. In the past week alone two people far wiser than I have graced me with just the words I needed. I'm going home to Nelson tomorrow and looking foward to thinking about things there. It's so weird being pulled in all these different directions and not knowing what's God and what's me. He's pretty cool though and we have a pretty damn cool relationship. Hehe. I can't get over this content feeling I have it's so peaceful even though all this stuff is crashing and burning around me (and has been for a while just without my happy that a word?). Life is kinda making sense to me now even though so much crap that sucks is going down, I'm feeling totally stripped down with nothing but God and Me trying to get in sync. I dunno how long it'll take to figure it out but just laying everything down to him completely for the first time is just so relieving and just realising he has this future for me that I still can't comprhend is insanely cool. I have no idea where I'll be in 5 years or even 5 days everything is such a whirl wind but the one settling thing is that God's got my back and even if my Dad and Friend die tomorrow from their cancer as painful as it will be God one way or another will wipe the tears away, that's something you can't buy or get from a thousands courses in theology and biblical cross referencing(not that that stuff is unimportant) but that is just the love pure and simple God has for us. This whole experience is pretty eye opening and it's strangely clear and confusing at the same time. I feel like so much is uncertain and non sensical I'm just gonna trust God as best as simple lil' me can and jump on in... I can't wait!

Monday, June 20, 2005


I just read Kelly's latest post. It was pretty damn cool. If you've not read it do so.

Peace Out

Friday, June 17, 2005

Mac Daddy

I am so damn hungry as I write this. Like take as hungry as you've ever been and multiply it by roughly 73 that might begin to describe how hungry I am right now!
All I've eaten today is some Noodle Temptations (and man they weren't that tempting) at my FRIEND Michelle's flat. They were pretty un impressive. Now it's 8:47pm and I want McDonalds so bad. This sucks quite severely as McDonalds is the MAN and I am no MAN supporter, but crapsicles, I want it so bad right now. Moving swiftly along... nah I got nothing Peace Out.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Foo Fighters...better than U2

I am ever so excited with the upcoming release of In Your Honor the Foo Fighters 5th album.
It is my duty to pass on to all who read this the news that if you don't buy this album everyone else who does buy it will be better than you. (I didn't come up with that by the way). It will be good and I will buy it and proceed to tell all that it is good. If Dave Grohl was a woman I would marry him. And the Foo Fighters are beeter than U2 but then again so are the Backstreet Boys:)

The First Post I've Ever Made... Again

I forgot my username (yes I know...) so I decided to create a newer better blog, one with an untwistable stomach! This will be the greatest blog ever, full of theology and educational banter...