Friday, June 17, 2005

Mac Daddy

I am so damn hungry as I write this. Like take as hungry as you've ever been and multiply it by roughly 73 that might begin to describe how hungry I am right now!
All I've eaten today is some Noodle Temptations (and man they weren't that tempting) at my FRIEND Michelle's flat. They were pretty un impressive. Now it's 8:47pm and I want McDonalds so bad. This sucks quite severely as McDonalds is the MAN and I am no MAN supporter, but crapsicles, I want it so bad right now. Moving swiftly along... nah I got nothing Peace Out.


At 6/17/2005 11:02:00 PM, Blogger Jared said...

Yes just a friend.

I apologise profusely for not being able to sate your warped desire but as you know I am not one to be rude to my friends.

At 6/18/2005 01:42:00 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Aah Jared you old dog ;)

AJ!!!! I told you to get some toast or something, you goon! [yes, mother]

At 7/11/2005 03:57:00 PM, Blogger Steve-a-saurus said...

You better not support the man - you need to stick it to the man always Brotha AJ.


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