Thursday, January 26, 2006

Developments in my Love Life

So back from Wellington by which I mean Porirua. 'Twas an experience to be sure. Just ask Matt. Anyways I thought I should let everybody know that I have fallen into a state of excitement over Dave and AJ's sleepout (I just wrote in Third person, or is it second person?). It's cool and new. I also noticed that we have a crappy old Green or Glass house (dunno what its called) which I would like to think I'll repair and use to grow stuff. I also got to see Andre yesterday which was wahooey. I think Andre is a way cool duuuude. Also I bought some Spirulina which I didn't dig, it had way too much bannana in it and it's not as good as the other spirulina I've had in the past. Hey Matt Price just turned up "Hi Matt." said AJ "Yes it is I the bringer of bad odours." said Matt. Well this stream of consciousness post is making me sleepy. Have fun all you happy campers (at the camp this weekend).
Keep on Rockin' in the Free World


Monday, January 23, 2006

Here Have a Post Friends...

"I'm a Sexually frustrated Homosexual" - Jess

Matt and I come back tomorrow and I can tell you're all excited. Wellington/Porirua has been interesting. I think I'll post more when I get back. See you in a few hours.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Matt Wilson, what a guy!

I love tragedy of commons... lots. icannot wait for jeremy to return and get tragedy back out and kicking arse! Where you will you be when Jeremy returns? Yup matt sure rocks...or sucks? hmm i'm facing some confusing thoughts, he's alot like a human vacuum cleaner managing to both suck and blow at the very same time and ladies even after bible college he's still single
(I know!), i find it hard to believe that he's not married to but ladies if you want to register your interest in him as a romantic prospect or if you just want a 'friend' in the mattster let me know on the down low and i'm sure i could hook you up... don't be shy he's desperate (also he showers and plays the guitar... he even looks good with facial hair!). he's a really sensitive guy, he cried in the lion king and when bambi's mum died. i recommend him whole heartedly and believe he will make some lucky girl a great husband. matt truly is all things to all men... and maybe even one lucky lady. kudos to you matt you old fashioned gentleman with respect for women, you! anyway must be off matt wants me to come with him while he gives presents to sick children that he paid for as opposed to gifts given by charities, which he also gives money to-daily. god bless matt.

bye for now

AJ ....

or is it?

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Stupid Things Christians Say And Do...

How many cities in how many countries has the revival of the church started in?

What exactly is our generation being raised up to do?

How come christians jump on the latest craze (eg;24/7 prayer, 40 Days of Purpose) and always say 'lets stop talking and start doing,' yet when the novelty wears off, they stop talking, don't do and then move onto talking about what God has instore next without finishing or continuing what they were 'on fire for' two months ago?

I'm not trying to be pissy about stuff but I think christians are kind of lame and embarrasing to be associated with at times.

I mean many of us are more worried about stopping the gay community from getting a legal recognition of their love than we are about kids getting beaten and abused (often by their heterosexual parents) or people living down the road who are starving while we decide which DVD boxset we need. PRIORITIES. I've been guilty of the whole materialism thing myself so point all the fingers you want my way, but I've felt really convicted (christian word plug) about that and just my priorities in general which is where this ost is coming from. I mean we all start out in many things with the best intentions but those intentions are useless if not acted on. I've had and have alot of things with God and my priorities that I've 'been meaning to get around to.' I've decided to throw myself into doing the whole how I should live my life the closest to Jesus' example and to be honest I don't think Jesus would be too fussed with wearing his Sunday best to church or what the proper and mature christians wouldthink of him (we know that already). He just did the right thing. He had his priorities sorted. He understood that people have free will and use it for better or worse, right or wrong. But he loved them no matter what. And he did whatever God told him to do even to the point of death. And thats the faith I want and am setting about obtaining. I don't want to waste my energy telling gay people and women who choose to have abortions that they are going to hell, no one is won for God by having holier than thou christians telling them they are evil. I just want to sort myself and do the right thing by God and Others - Christians or Normal People.

I dunno if this flows but it's where I'm at so I'm sure you all can cope :D

Peace Out