Thursday, October 27, 2005

I Met a Girl if anyone's Hungry...

Is anyone interested in coming with me one Saturday evening toeat free vegetarian food with Hare Krishna's (I bet I spelt that wrong)? I keep bumping into this HKGirl who gives me their pamphlet. They play drums and do HK things...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

In Other News...

It's one month to the day until I see Foo Fighters!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Excuse the last post cancer just pisses me off.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

"Buy a helmet, because life will keep kicking you in the head."

This peice of advice was given to me by a drunk about a year back. I shrugged it off at the time but now I think he was right.

I feel like screaming until I cant make a noise. Things were looking up. Now not so good.

I am so sick and tired of all the stupid tradgedy.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Retardo in the bestest way

My friend Rich from Nelson was diagnosed with cancer in September last year. At the time the tumour had spread very dangerously and chances of living let alone having a normal life again were very slim. Over the past year he has recieved treatment (I'm being vague as it's not my place to reveal all about his condition and treatment) and the cancer shrank by a third in size but it was still looking bleak he had bagun thinking about funeral arrangements and will writing. It was thought recently that he could have the cancer and his hip removed to save him this was hard on him as he's a passionate cricketer and this would have slowed him down some. Anyways after months of intense prayer from people who know him and those who don't (thank you:)) I discovered during church at good ol' ABC via a call from my friend Chris in Nelson that due to no explainable reason Rich's tumour had shrunk to about 2 cm in size and could now be removed with relative ease. Basically he beat it and it's highly likely he won't suffer any side effects. Weird but goodo. Hmm yeah so God's pretty impressive I must say! Prayer works! Rock on!